New fire
Fuego Nuevo is a Christian movement belonging to the pastoral that exists in all the schools of the Irish IBVM in Spain.
It seeks to create spaces for growth, reflection and fun under the charism of Mary Ward and with a Christian background and values.
The New Fire groups range from 5th Primary to 4th ESO and meet on Fridays from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. (according to calendar) to perform different dynamics, get to know each other better, work values and enjoy a lot of timeshare.
In addition, during the course internal activities are carried out and with the rest of the schools. In this sense we have coexistence, meetings in which all the members of Fuego Nuevo of the six schools meet.
In the month of July we have summer experiences such as camps, the road to Santiago, volunteering …
The groups are energized by monitors who are former students and who spend their time selflessly to share Friday afternoons with children and adolescents.
New Fire has some symbols that we present below:
It represents the trajectory of each person in Fuego Nuevo and, specifically, the joy of being part of a group. It is a triangle of Canadian green fabric and its dimensions are 115cm by 78cm. Ribbons 1cm wide, yellow, blue, red, white, orange, purple and lemon green are placed on the shortest edges of the scarf, which are arranged from the bottom up to keep the following relationship:

Look young the earth listen to my scream, take a chance;
That if you don’t listen to me, my message contains paths of light,
brave paths of love and justice
paths that seek peace, the truth.
It is to build a new life of authenticity before the broken man.
It’s go with loaded backpacks
of cheerful and clear laughter,
because there are very strong hopes
of new friendship with people.
Know how to trust and achieve
Live the meeting to know how to give.
Sharing everything is impossible dream, you will answer.
Shout: Christ is alive! I always tell you and I scream again,
to the children and the old man, to the poor clown,
to the man of science and the wise doctor,
and that farmer sweating his grief
Let’s shout to everyone that love lives.
It’s go with loaded backpacks …
Always walk forward,
the world is your house is your great home,
I shine your roof, you are a walker
And a great friend to trust.
What is great is to be able to love,
reaching out to embrace the earth,
the flowers, the children, the simple things, the sky and the sea.